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Highlights from the MOR collection

Chamber of Commerce Recognizes Albert K. Smiley, 1912

This commemorative certificate is a hand-illuminated resolution of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce memorializing the death of Albert K. Smiley. Around the resolution wording are hand-painted pansies. It was sent to the Smiley family at Mohonk Mountain House following Smiley’s death in 1912. It hung in the house on a wall in the hallway near the Parlor until the 1990’s, at which time it was removed and placed in storage. Around 2005, it was moved to the Barn at that property to be stored by Mohonk Archivist Joan LaChance.

In June 2006, Larry E. Burgess and Nathan Gonzales received the piece to bring to Redlands during their trip to Mohonk. It has been in the MOR collection since July 5, 2006.

This well-traveled piece of paper represents a direct connection to one of Redlands’ earliest and most popular patrons. The Smiley brothers established a tradition of generosity and forward-thinking which is still evident in the City today. This document also proves a long and healthy history of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce.

Text Reads:

“RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE REDLANDS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Monday, December 9th, 1912. Whereas, the Honorable Albert Keith Smiley, first citizen and great friend of Redlands and for many years a member of this Board, having ended a long, honorable and useful life, filled with good works, and Whereas, Redlands owes a great debt of gratitude to him, not only for his material benefactions, but also for a lofty type of citizenship and noble character which have had a marked influence upon the life of the community; and Whereas, having been a member of this organization for ten years and one of its two honorary members, generously contributing to its maintenance, always taking a personal interest in its work and frequently honoring us with his presence and wise counsel, therefore BE IT RESOLVED That the Board of Directors of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce, expresses the deep sense of irreparable loss which Redlands, the country and the world at large have sustained, in the death of one who has done so much for the good of humanity; by the valuable and ornate Albert K. Smiley Public Library Building, beautiful Smiley Park in which it is located, and the attractive parkway approaches; by the creation of Canyon Crest Park with his late lamented brother Alfred H. Smiley making it the most beautiful spot in Southern California, generously maintaining and placing it at the disposal of the public; by stimulating civic pride and raising the standard of citizenship; by creating a love for the beautiful; by kindly and unostentatious charities; by wise counsel and advice; by a character in which gentleness and strength, independence and courage, broad catholicity and a sterling adherence to high ideals were united; by a nature of loving simplicity, devoted to those things which make for righteousness and a compelling Christianity, we recognize the great obligation and lasting indebtedness of all the people of Redlands to its departed and beloved "Patron Saint," which can only be repaid by emulating the virtues and striving after the high ideals which made his life so nobly useful and his character so richly beneficent, and be it further Resolved; That we extend our sincere sympathy to the relatives of Albert K. Smiley, in their great loss; that these Resolutions be recorded in full upon the minutes of the Board, and an engrossed copy sent to the family of the deceased.

Wm. Stowe Devol, Secretary A.C. Denman, Jr., President”

Danielle Trynoski is a Board Member of the Museum of Redlands (MOR)

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