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Joan McCall

California Budget Includes $2 Million To Complete MOR Construction

Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 102, a bill that enacts a portion of the 2023-24 state budget. This legislation included over $10 million in local funding secured by Assembly Majority Leader Emeritus Eloise Gómez Reyes and Assembly Member James C. Ramos with support of the members of the Inland Empire Caucus.

This bill includes $2 million dollars to be used toward completion of the construction of the Museum of Redlands.

Assembly Members Eloise Gómez Reyes and James C. Ramos visit the MOR in 2022. Left to right: Char Burgess, Assembly Member Reyes, Assembly Member Ramos, Tim Murone and Bill Emmerson.

“I am glad that, even during one of California’s most challenging budgets of the last decade, we were able to bring back key funding for communities in the 50th Assembly District,” said Reyes. “I am proud that we are continuing our legacy of ensuring that the Inland Empire receives its fair share of state resources, and I want to thank Governor Newsom and my legislative colleagues for helping to make this possible.”

Ramos stated, “I am glad that these items that will benefit our community and others around the state have been funded. They will make a difference.”

AK Smiley Library Director, Don McCue and the AK Smiley Board of Trustees submitted the request for funding last March and have watched the bill make its way through the legislature and on to the governor’s office for final signature.

Steve Stockton, President of the Redlands Historical Museum Association, said, “This money will be instantly allocated to an additional contract with Tilden Coil toward completion of construction of the Museum of Redlands.” The building has been constructed in phases to take advantage of fundraising efforts and anticipated cost increases.

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